Hole in the wall or a power point?

Extra, Extra!

This week some interesting points were made in EDC3100 (uni course) in relation to how people might view the world in which we live in the future. This video was provided to us as some food for thought. It is a mock news segment on how Blockbuster might be perceived in the future. Basically the most common remark by people in this segment is that life was so complicated when people had to go to a store and physically rent out a DVD AND return it. Crazy kids.

So what about us? What do you think our grandkids will be laughing about in the future?

For starters I think they’ll crack up about phone chargers and remotes for TV- “Wow they had to go to a lot of effort!”

And what about those funny things in the walls…uh….where you push in a plug to make things work? -“Son….it was a powerpoint”

But beyond just that- what will replace these? What will be the new ‘norm’ for our children and grandchildren in the future?

Perhaps we’ll be laughing with them….or at them?

Until the future,


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