In this week’s news!


I was watching The Project on Tuesday night and there was a brief segment on the video cassette player being put in front of a whole heap of primary school-aged children. Man it was funny. None of the knew what it was. Some got frustrated, others were amused at this odd box that apparently had purpose. They did not know what a video was!

I was born in the 90s so I got a good dose of the video player before it died out- so to speak. I remember winding the film and breaking them too as the DVD player entered our home making our video player and my favourite Aladdin video obsolete!


But then, not.

Lea shared in her post how images pop on Facebook regularly with images of technologies of the past. Often they say things like- “like or share this pic if you remember this.” Most of the time I can identify what these things were even though I never used them. So how come kids these days can’t recognise a video player? not vintage enough? Will it ever be vintage?

I think gone are the days that we will see modern technology become vintage- it just changes too much.

You’ll notice the image above? That is me at pre-school with all of my friends. I chose this picture because it represents a time in my life when the video player was the coolest. I thought the video player was the bees-knees. I’m probably smiling here because I knew I’d get to go home and watch Aladdin for the 100000000000000th time- but maybe the last.



One thought on “In this week’s news!”

  1. Reblogged this on jkslade and commented:
    If I asked any of my students what the ‘save icon’ image was, what do you think they’d say?

    In just the 20 years of my life, so many things have become outdated and obsolete and while we think that some of the resources we are using now are new, how long before they’re old news? How long until kids don’t even know what an iPad is? Televisions, dvd’s, blu-Ray? CD’s and Landline phone are already on the way out, brace yourselves, we’re all in for a bumpy ride.


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