Category Archives: STUDENT

Breaking the Law! (Gasp)

Hello hello,

So….you think that using an image belonging to an individual or organisation direct from google images is okay because there is a cut and paste option? Well it may actually be naughty and if you have done it then you could be naughty. I have done it- so I am naughty. In fact I had no clue that this was breaching Australia’s copyright law.

For the images I have used in my blogs pretty much all but one have been directly copied and pasted as my feature image from google images. Innocent right? Wrong. While I’m a student it is possible that I can slip under the radar because I am using them to enhance my studies- which I genuinely am. There are exemptions of course and you can find some of these here.

It personally gives me more of a reason to create my own images/music for my work especially because I genuinely enjoy doing it. I think it would also make my work more authentic.

To be honest I’m still a bit confused about how these laws work because in school I remember being told that as long as I reference my work (including images and audio) then I was safe. I thought this applied to everyone. Apparently not. Now to do something about the images I HAVE used in a way that is possibly naughty.

Notice my feature image? I took that. It’s mine- I promise.

But I’m not ungrateful. I’m glad I know this now. I’d much prefer to know and do something about it than live in ignorance.

I shall keep investigating this until it makes more sense.



ICTs and a music student


I’d like to touch base on how ICT’s  impacted me as a student at high school. ICT’s play a huge role in the lives of so many people whether they realise it or not. I wouldn’t say I’m a ‘tech-head’ but I use Facebook, YouTube, Adobe programs, Pinterest…and of course, my trusty (and very smashed up) iPhone. As a preservice teacher I cannot escape the fact that ICT’s are becoming the new pen and paper at the least…at the very least.

When I was a music student in grade 11 I had to write my own compositions for my assessment and this was not an easy task  as my strength was vocal performance. I remember having to do the notation and I attempted to make it come together through Sibelius. Sibelius is a computer program where you make your composition come to life by selecting your notation, instruments, rests and all that musical theory stuff! In short, my composition was very sloppy due to an inability to completely navigate the program but also because I was a little rusty with my theory. This changed in year 12 however when we were all given and allowed to use the app GarageBand on the school iPads to create our compositions. IT WAS GREAT. It was so visually appealing and as a small musical class we had the opportunity to use very unique instruments. Basically I gained a whole lot of knowledge by using this app because it catered to my needs as a learner. I also received better marks. If you’re interested to know more about this app please check out the link provided. Don’t be fooled into thinking it is just something for ‘musical kids’ because, well if you did, then I’d be calling you the fool. 😉  My experience with using this app has made me realise that there is so much out there that we have no idea about. Can you imagine what we could do to help make teaching and learning more fluid and effective?

Check it out:—garageband.html

